Pankaj Bharali

Academic Profile
Ph.D.: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) Hyderabad - 500 007/ Osmania University, Hyderabad, India,
Thesis Title: Design of novel nanosized ceria-based multicomponent composite oxides for catalytic applications
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. B.M. Reddy, FRSC, FNAE, FNASc, FAPASc
M.Sc.: Gauhati University, Guwahati - 781 014, India
Dissertation Title: Synthesis and characterization of a few transition metal dithiocarbamates
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. J. N. Ganguli
Professional Career
08/2023 – till date: Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University, Assam, India
08/2011 – 08/2023: Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University, Assam, India
06/2024 - 07/2024: Visiting Scientist to Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
06/2019 - 06/2019: Visiting Scientist to Boreskov Insitute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, Russia
02/2011 – 07/2011: UGC-Postdoctoral Fellow at Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University, Assam, India
04/2009 – 09/2010: Post-doctoral Research Scientist at Research Institute for Ubiquitous Energy Devices, AIST Kansai, Japan
10/2007 – 12/2007: Visiting Fellow at Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
02/2006 – 04/2006: Visiting Fellow at Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Awards/ Honours
Rev Fr L Yeddanapalli Best Thesis Award of Catalysis Society of India
The biographical profile is published in Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2012, 29th Edition)
Awarded Dr. D.S. Kothari Postdoctoral Fellowship, UGC New Delhi, India (2011)
Awarded Postdoctoral Research Scientist position at AIST Kansai, Japan (2009)
Awarded Junior/Senior Research Fellowship of CSIR (NET-JRF/SRF) during Ph.D.
Editorial Board/ Membership
Editorial Board Member of Chemistry for Sustainable Development, RAS Journal, Russia
Life Member: Materials Research Society of India; LMB 2676 (2016-)
Life Member: Catalysis Society of India (2012-)
Life Member: Society for Chemical Education, Assam (2016-)
Honorary Member: American Chemical Society (2015-2018)
IUPAC Affiliate Member (2013-)
Invited Talk in Conference/Symposia/ Workshop
Invited Talk, Indo-French International Symposium on Cross Fertilization between Academia and Industry: Towards Safer and Efficient Catalytic Processes held at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus from 24th – 26th October 2024.
Invited Talk, SERB sponsored National Workshop “Frontiers in Materials Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities” held at the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University from 7th – 8th March 2024.
Invited Talk, “Chemistry workshop” as part of the InSCIgnis held at the Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University from 28th – 29th February 2024.
Invited Talk, SusChemE 2.0, International Conference on Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering held at Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai from 14th – 16th September 2023.
Invited Talk, “Lecture Series on Chemistry Education and Research” held at Department of Chemistry, Cotton University, 17 August 2019.
Invited Talk, “Lecture Series: Materials Science” held at the Department of Applied Sciences, Gauhati University, 22 March 2019.
Resource Person, Student Centric and Curriculum based Orientation Programme for Chemistry students (under DBT Star College Scheme) held at Digboi College, Digboi, 27 March 2018.
Invited Talk, National Conference on Applied Sciences, Sustainable & Evolving Technologies (ASSET) & 63rd Annual Technical Session of Assam Science Society held at Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar, 9-11 March 2018.
Invited Talk, Indo-French workshop on Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Role of Catalyst held at Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad, 6-8 February 2018.
Invited Talk, International Conference on Sophisticated Instruments in Modern Research (ICSIMR-2017) held at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 30 June-1 July 2017.
Invited Talk, Symposium on Surface Science & Nanotechnology -25th Anniversary of SSSJ Kansai" held at Kyoto, Japan, 24-25 January, 2017.
Invited Talk, KIC-TEQIP Short Term Course on Recent Trends in Catalysis held at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, 13-14 May 2016.
Invited Talk, MRSI Symposium “Advanced Materials for Sustainable Applications” and 27th Annual General Meeting of MRSI held at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, 18-21 February 2016.
Invited Talk, National Seminar on Recent Developments on Applied Chemistry held at Bajali College, Pathsala, 25 January 2016.
Invited Talk, AICTE-NEQIP funded workshop held at Institute of Science and Technology, Gauhati University, 3-4 March, 2015.
Resource Person, DST-Inspire Internship Programme held at Tezpur University, 23-27 December 2013.
Invited Talk, Indo-Finnish Symposium on Green Chemistry: Role of catalysts on the production of green fuel held at Tezpur University, 1 February 2013.
Resource Person, Workshop on Career Counselling in Chemistry held at Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, 3 March 2012.